Editor: MOVE Items X is a set of Mac OS X-compatible contextual menu plug-ins which allow users to copy items, move items and make aliases. Users can copy files and folders from the desktop (or any folders) to a specific destination by using the contextual menu features. Destinations folders will be shown on the hierarchical menus, i.e. entire hard disks will be listed on the menus, and users can browse to any levels of the hard disks. Users can customized the advanced options of Move Items X through an interface software called Move Items Enabler. The current plug-ins are universal binary (PowerPC / Intel).
Move, make copy or make alias of selected items to any destination in file system.
Move selected items to a new Create folder, or grouping Files Together.
Names of grouping folders are customizable, and can be appended with date and time.
Destinations are listed on hierarchical menus with unlimited depth.
Can display the parent folder of selected items.
Can memorize recently used folders.
Customizable, i.e. users can add frequently used folders into the menus.
Support unicode characters.
Support both Apple's Aqua and Apple's Metal Interfaces.
Have more than 30 useful preferences.